Tony Lays a Beatdown
Tony has more power than the other men. He is in charge of them. He looks at the muscles of the other men to see who is the hardest to beat up to show how much power he has even over the strongest man there. He throws up at the end while he is on his own, in his own room to hide his weakness from the mafia men. If they see this, they can get the boss fired from his job purely because he has a weak side to him. They show a close up of his at the end while looking into the mirror to portray his weakness and emotion. Birds eye view/High angle at the end shows that he is alone in the room . It also shows how weak he is and it takes all of his power and authority away from him as it is looking down on him.
Alpha Female
The woman is 'in charge'. She is telling them what to do which shows her authority. Woman looking over the boss' shoulder which shows that she is still in charge even though she is in the background which makes it try to look like she is not the main character in the shot.
The Post Masculine Man
The IT Crowd
Series 3 Episode 2
The two main characters are not socially accepted masculine men. They try to act like a 'Manly man'. Moss thinks that his conversation about football with the postman makes him sound manly and masculine. The masculine men have a woman by their side and the less masculine/feminine men do not. The man mimics the behavior of the masculine man when approaching him and puts on an act to make him look like something he's not. In the football scene, they look squashed up and uncomfortable because they are two sicks surrounded by the other masculine, well built men. They don't know what they are on about when talking about the scores, it shows that he is trying to fit in. In the restaurant, the man is wearing a suit that is too big for him. This shows that he is trying to be masculine and make himself look more built than he actually is.
Male Gaze
The idea of how the character is presented to the audience
There is 3 views of feminism.
- How women think men look at them
- How women see themselves
- How women see other women
The woman has curves. The woman is talking about men six packs. There is a sexual music tone. Her hair is tied back which is meant to make her look sexy. The camera zooms in on her body, specifically on her bum, boobs and her stomach. This shows the view of provocative women through mens eyes.
Look in to:
Stereotypes of gender
1. Masculine/Feminine
2. Character behavior - Power
3. Opposites
4. Reinforce/Challenge stereotypes
Camera shots and styles
- angles
- movement
- focus
- composition
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